School…. One word can cause so many different emotions! But, positively, third quarter is officially over now and we are moving into the last stretch of school. Hopefully this means less school projects and more writing time… One can hope, right?
Anyway, I am still new at this sort of thing. Not blogging exactly… I had a family blog ( which has bad spelling/grammar on my part because it is just documented changes from my original ‘normal’ (for me) life in Arizona to my new life in the Netherlands/Germany/Belgium tri-border area. The move was definitely a big change in my life and I am glad I moved over here. (STORY IDEAS) My series…. Reader, you have much to look forward to. Now, back to what I was originally talking about… but got distracted: I don’t know what to put on an Author Blog (New author here) or how to publicize my book. I am so thankful to the help I am getting from Coach Padron and my friend Raegan. Expect a facebook page soon and maybe more! For the blog…. I know! Next week, I am going to put up some of my favorite lines. Either quotes from famous people or shot sarcastic quotes that I have heard from time to time.. Included might be some possible dialogues as well!
The rest of my break was pretty calm. I will be honest; I don’t know exactly what I should be putting up here so I was snooping around the interweb at other Author blogs. I gathered a few ideas. I basically collected the information that they give advice to fellow writers and beginning writers as well as I have seen a few ‘current reading list’. I thought to myself: “Hey! I can put the books I have recently read down with what I though!” So that is what this post is. Usually I read super Fantasy books. You know, different world or different creatures but recently I have been reading books about normal humans that are skilled. These skills tend to create spies or thieves!
NatashaThe Author of the Dream vs Reality series and student at AFNORTH International High School. Archives
November 2014